Hi everyone,
I'm sorry its been quiet since MOVE IT, but I have been really busy trying to get all my course work done for my Level 2 BTEC in dance which was due in today. I have spent the last 2 Sundays writing, painting, cutting and sticking to my coursework evidence the best I can do.
I'm not going to lie its been really hard work especially when there was soemthing I wanted to watch on TV, but I met my deadline and even got my power point presentation finished as I thought we were doing our presentations today!
One really interesting thing Iooked at was where to train post 16, I did a spread sheet and compared each of the colleges, I also found out the prices of each one......(Oh my goodness) I need to sell a lot of bun garlands!!!
My Mum took me to see Northern Ballets Victoria at Sadlers Wells last Saturday after my Central Associates. The ballet was so good.
I posted a photo of my new design Leila, I hope you like it.
love Tori xx